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Raissa Fabregas on Seminar Series: Causal Inference and Data Science for Improved Policy

On March 19, 2025, DSI will host the presentation titled “Broadcasting Education at Scale: Long-Term Labor Market Impacts of Television-Based Schools,” marking the fifth talk of our seminar series that encourages research collaboration among data scientists, causal inference experts, and applied researchers. This series is funded through the DSI Emergent Data Sciences Program competition, and co-led by Professors Linbo Wang (Departments of Statistical Sciences and Computer Science), Rahul G. Krishnan (Dept. of Computer Science), Gustavo J. Bobonis, and Raji Jayaraman (Department of Economics) at the University of Toronto.


Raissa Fabregas,

Assistant Professor, School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin




Featured Research

Prof. Fabregas will delve into the educational and labor market impacts of using information and communication technologies to scale up last-mile post-primary education services. Mexico’s TV-schools–lower secondary schools that substitute on-site subject-specialized teachers with televised lectures, serve over 1.4 million children every year, making it one of the largest formal mass distance education programs in the world.  Exploiting geographic variation and cohort exposure to Mexico’s TV-school openings during 1980-2000, we find that affected cohorts are 8 percentage points more likely to graduate lower secondary, with increases of 0.4 years of education and 8% in hourly earnings. Labor market returns are comparable to those from standard schools. Impacts are primarily driven by out-of-school children, with higher earning gains in urbanized areas.

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