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Eva Vivalt Leads Landmark Basic Income Study

A new study reveals how large and temporary unconditional cash transfers can influence lives and preferences

Development Work Health Faculty News In the Media September 2024

The Dismantling of Canada’s Skilled Immigration System

Philip Oreopoulos and co-authors warn against Canada’s shift to low-skill immigration.

Work In the Media July 2024

How the Wage-Setting Power of Firms Shapes Peru’s Economy

Insights into Peru's labour market: A VoxDev column by FOS Affiliate Pamela Medina Quispe and co-authors examining firms' wage-setting power and its influence on informality.

Work In the Media January 2024

A Gender Gap in Commercializing Scientific Discoveries

FOS Affiliate Marlène Koffi focuses on the barriers faced by women when commercializing scientific discoveries. In a research study with Matt Marx, Koffi characterizes the gender dynamics of scientific commercialization in the full canon of scientific inquiry.

Work Women and Girls In the Media July 2023

InequaliTalks podcast by Clémentine Van Effenterre: Gender Inequality in Peruvian Trade, with Pamela Medina Quispe

In this episode, Pamela Medina Quispe explores how Chinese import competition in Peru negatively impacts women's participation in the labour market. She points to the exposure to competition in the manufacturing industry as a force pushing women into the unstable, informal sector.

Women and Girls Work Faculty News July 2023

How Does Living with In-Laws Affect Women’s Employment?

Women in India have one of the lowest rates of labour force participation in the world. They also co-reside with their parents-in-law at unusually high rates.

Women and Girls Work In the Media March 2023
UN Women/Second Chance Education Programme

Media Inquiries

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