International Educational Research Symposium
On November 10, 2022 dozens of researchers and policymakers gathered at la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón (Sagrado) in San Juan, Puerto Rico for a research symposium jointly organised by the Forward Society Lab (FOS) and the Puerto Rico Department of Education (PRDE).
Sagrado, FOS and the PRDE have collaborated since 2017 on studies examining innovative programs and evidence-based policies to improve student outcomes in Puerto Rico.
Event Participants
Gustavo Bobonis, FOS Co-Director, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Toronto
Cristina Cruz Rivera, Research Specialist, PRDE
Rubén A. Gaztambide-Fernández, Professor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
Daniela Gómez Treviño, Research and Policy Manager, J-PAL North America
Emily Goldman, Director of Research and Evaluation Partnerships, Puerto Rico, FOS
Gilberto Marxuach Torros, President, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón
Philip Oreopoulos, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Toronto
Jeannine Ortiz Morales, Professional Development Coordinator, PRDE Institute for Professional Development and University Relations
Eliezer Ramos Parés, Secretary of Education, PRDE
Anuchka Ramos-Ruiz, Provost, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón
Olgamary Rivera Marrero, Professor of Mathematics, University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez
Laura Ruiz-Gaona, Senior Research Associate, J-PAL North America
Israel Sánchez Coll, Research Specialist, PRDE
Daniela Scur, Assistant Professor, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University
Orlando Sotomayor, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez
Damarys Varela, Operations Manager, PRDE Institute for Professional Development and University Relations
Jessica Wagner, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Annenberg Institute, Brown University
Román Andrés Zárate, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Toronto
Featured Research
FOS and PRDE researchers presented findings from several ongoing projects that are part of the Puerto Rico Department of Education Research Partnership between FOS and the PRDE.
This research included:
- A study addressing the consequences of low-enrollment-induced public school closures on student achievement, by Gustavo J. Bobonis (University of Toronto), Orlando Sotomayor (Cornell University), and Jessica Wagner (Brown University).
- An experiment designed to test the effectiveness of a new computer-assisted learning program to address learning loss during the pandemic, by Gustavo J. Bobonis (University of Toronto), Philip Oreopoulos (University of Toronto), Olgamary Rivera Marrero (University of Puerto Rico), Orlando Sotomayor (University of Puerto Rico), and Román Andrés Zárate (University of Toronto).
- An initiative designed by the PRDE and FOS to provide PRDE principals and leaders with training and certifications in leadership and management practices, by Gustavo J. Bobonis (University of Toronto), Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández (University of Toronto), and Daniela Scur (Cornell University).